ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Journal of Education, Religions, and Instructions (JoERI) Volume 2 Issue 1 (December 2023) – PUBLISHED!!!
Hi, fellow researchers, academics, and practitioners! ???? We announce you that our latest articles were published on December 31st, 2023, in the Journal of Education, Religions, and Instructions (JoERI). This issue is available online in the regular issue Volume 1 No. 2 (December 2023). In this journal, all articles are written in English and contain issues related to educational science, religious studies, Buddhist education, Buddhist studies in education, mindfulness in education, educational management, educational technology, educational leadership, general educational science, and all types of educational instruction.
To learn more about our latest publication and to download the articles, visit our website at
ISSN: 3025 – 3012
Published: 2023-12-31
The journal and article are registered and indexed by ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), DOI (Digital Object Identifier), Google Scholar, Garuda, etc.
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